What is abstract art? If asked, many people would say, "art that's kinda random...", "confusing, no true meaning behind it." Is that true? Is abstract art "random"? "no meaning"? The answer is no, it's not true. Many abstract art are well planned and intended to be that way. They all have a meaning behind it. Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in depiction of imagery in art. An example of a very famous abstract artist is Piet Mondrian. His most recognized works are abstract paintings of colored squares, rectangles, and thick black lines. He began all is paintings in a grid-like format, coloring squares and rectangles in mostly solid colors.
This painting of squares and rectangles have already been evolved several times before it finally looked like this. His most famous works are painted primarily with the colors red, yellow, and blue, as well as black and white. In this version of the piece we see the used of double and triple lines in which he had never used before. And then led to another major adjustment to his piece. Mondrian painted smaller squares between several lines without any black bounding their edges. Throughout the different adjustments of his pieces, we can see a change in direction in his life that reflects in his paintings.
We may not be able to find the true meaning behind each painting, only the painter itself knows. But from these abstract paintings we do see that each line and color was as intentional as modern design we see today. Abstraction is just another way to escape reality and express emotions in a very different way. Even today, artists and designers use abstraction to achieve the utopian world they long to strive for.
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